Wednesday, November 05, 2003

To the beach or not to the beach...that is the question. I decided last night that I was going, but this morning I just do not feel like driving. So I guess that means I am not going.

I really should take the morning, or what is left of it, to catch up on NaNoWriMo. I started late, am just a thousand words into it, and I am already procrastinating. Not a good sign, but I am still going to go forward.

Maybe I will just take my laptop out into the back yard. That way I will be outside, if not at the beach, and not connected to the internet to be distracted, as well as away from the tv. I think I can face the speakers out that way and listen to some music while I diligently type out my Murderous Intent.

Sounds like a plan, huh?

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