Friday, January 21, 2005

Family communication

My family is such a group of non-communicaters.

Last Sunday going into church, my mom fell and broke her hip. On Wednesday she had hip replacement surgery. She will be in the hospital at least until Monday, and then transferred to a rehab facility where her insurance keeps her for 20 days and possibly longer if needed.

On Thursday I get a call from my aunt.

Aunt P: Are you at work?
Me: No
(Small silence)
Me: I'm sitting down now, just tell me.
Aunt P: Oh, it's not that bad, your mom fell and broke her hip and had hip replacement yesterday. Well she fell on Sunday. Your dad did not want you called for you to worry or think you have to rush home.
Me: Nice.
Aunt P: I decided to say fuck what he wants and call and tell you. You need to know.
Me: (smiling cause Aunt P said fuck) Thanks.

We then went on to talk a little more, and I told her I would call my mom tomorrow.
Aunt P: What's wrong with today?
Me: I am on my way pout the door to dinner.
(More silence)


I called my mom last night and talked with her for about 30 minutes. Then I decided to call my neice because I did not want here to learn about this reading here when she has a chance to get caught up. She was ever grateful, and we proceeded to catch up and discuss our endearing family dynamics.

Basically, we vowed to break the non-communicative cycle just to conclude that those behind us, her brother and my sons, are all boys and our work would be futrile because boys, like the rest of our family, just don't communicate.

We still will though. We're both new Mac iBook grrls!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...communication of the extended family, or lack there of...I see a theme...and...I still FLY.