Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Feeling shifting

In yoga this morning, Kathryn said, "When a feeling comes up during your practice, whether it be here in class, or at home, stay with it and feel it to set it free. Don't suppress it."

It was an odd moment of realization for me, for this is what I try to encourage. It made me cognizant of a subtle shift.

During the six week session prior to the break for the month of June, someone brought up 9/11 and that she had just started class that day. She was recounting how class was at that moment in time. After this was discussed briefly, Kathryn asked us all to take a moment and consider all the good that happened on the planet at that same time. Somehow this offered me a sense of balance. This was either the end of April or sometime in May.

Since that class, doing yoga in class has brought up a profound sadness within me. I will be holding a pose, and tears just begin to stream down my face. There really is no explanation, and if I consider the general sadness I feel, it is perhaps in relation to 9/11. Other than a tragic day of terrorist attacks, it is my day of birth. In my opinion, quite a joyous occasion. This coming 9/11 is the fortieth anniversary of my birth. A milestone in itself.

After the reminder to feel whatever comes up, I noticed that the sadness is no longer present as it has been the past few months. Bueno. I like it.

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