Thursday, September 30, 2004

Chaos and Insanity

Okay, so that title is maybe a little of an exaggeration.

This morning, E gets up, goes to walk, and then is home getting ready for work all before 7 am. As she goes out to leave, there is a Rottweiler puppy in her way.

She first tried to shoo him away, and rather than go away, he takes refuge under her car. She then got the hose in an effort to get him from under her car so she can go to work, but he is planted there firmly.

By this time, I have gotten up to see what the commotion is because Sawyer and Nola have begun the doggie symphony. They do this in the grandest fashion anytime there is a dog in their vision. Anywhere. It is most annoying with just a shred of comedy thrown in on the side.

I went outside and tried to call the pupps out from under the car but to no avail. I tried to explain to him that I was not the mean hose lady, and that it would be okay.

E then got a broom to most gently prod him from under her car, and I told her to go ahead and go to work as I kept him away from her car and then I would call animal control and be on my way shortly after.

I came into the house to look up the number for animal control, and before calling them thought I would take a shower. At this point I was still considering going about my day as planned. 930 yoga, then on to work 12-9.

Here is where the insanity comes in. I am in the shower, and it occurs to me that this dog might be fated to be in my (our) life. Perhaps he is supposed to be here with us. If I call animal control, he goes to the pound, and if not adopted in three days, he would be euthanised. Doesn't he at least deserve three days here, if he chooses us, by the end of which at the very least, we get him to a no kill shelter, or otherwise find him a good home?

I have a strong knowing that his good home is with us. Rex (when *did* he get a name???) is pretty much here to stay by this point.

Number for animal control in hand, I give E a call at work.

E: E speaking.
Me: So, how was the drive to work?
E: Fine. What's going on with that monster dog?(okay, so she did not call him that monster dog...)
Me: Well, now he is under my car.
E: Tell me...
Me: Just tell me I am crazy. Are we supposed to keep him, save him from the pound?
E: Did you see the size of his paws?
Me: I know. He is going to be big. A Rott...BIG...
E: See if he will come out for you and bring him some food and water...

I also explained to E that there was no doggie symphony going on. That was the weirdest part. Sawyer and Nola were sitting in the window, looking out at a strange dog in their yard, and they were wagging their tails with no endless symphony howling. It was a first.

So, earlier, when he was under her car, I said no to food, because I did not want to encourage him to hang around. I got him a dish of food and water and went outside to see if he would leave the safety of under my car. I sat the dishes down and then sat myself down a few feet away. As soon as I sat down, Rex came out to say hi. He took a drink and then came over and lay in my lap for some pets.

After we got acquainted, I decided to see if he would follow me into the back yard. If he was to stay, he needed to be socialized with Sawyer and Nola, and while I did not want to do that in the house, I did want some semblance of control over the situation. He followed me right into the yard and I went inside to get Nola on leash to join him. She is 10 pounds at most, so I knew there would be no issues. They got on famously in an instant.

Sawyer, however, has issues. Through all the snarling and growling, I see his tail is wagging, so I know it will be okay. Nola has been here more than a year, and they still play this little dominance game daily.

We have spent most of the morning out in the yard together just trying to adapt. I think it is I who have to adjust as they are all just following their instinctive natures. At the moment, Sawyer is laying here next to me and Nola is at the back door while Rex is out in the yard. I will not let him inside until after we get to the vet this afternoon. I am still somewhat amazed that Sawyer is being so accepting, and that he is quiet.

I even saw Rex try to get into the crate we have outside ready for bulk trash tomorrow. I guess we still have it for a reason.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want a rottweiler. Matt doesn't want that big a dog. We can't have a dog now anyway, as we live in an apartment. Also, we have two bunnies (, user: pocky_and_gene) and they would be food for a dog that size. Someday I would like to have space where dogs can live and bunnies can live.

What I'm saying is that, I asked for a rottweiler. I think the cosmos answered, but mixed it up. I believe you have my rottweiler. You may keep him for now.