Saturday, July 03, 2004

Peace and quiet in the evening

A couple of days of family company go a long way toward rediscovering an appreciation for the quiet found in life lived in an ordinary manner. We have had E's neice and nephew staying with us for a few days, since Thursday evening, and man do they require entertaining.

She is 12 and he is 9, if I am not mistaken, and they are just a little rotten. Presumptuous. Bratty.

I opted out of going this evening to E's sister's house where she and her husband and her 3 yr old and one month old are hosting the other brother's wife and three children. I decided that a 2 to 1 child to adult ratio was just more than I could bear. I think just the nephew is coming home with E, and with any luck, he might decide to stay with everyone else at Kathy's.

The plan was to meet everyone at Kathy's tomorrow, but that was before Papu's most recent email, so the plan became meeting up to attend fireworks.

I adore going to see fireworks, and E knows this. We graciously bowed out of attending them en masse, but might go on our own to see them as they are done by Disney this year.

While staying home tonight, I decided on a little culinary therapy. I took a tub of sauce out of the freezer which I made a few weeks ago, and made some pasta with sausage. I also made some Tollhouse cookies with milk and semi-sweet chips and pecans. and Butter. Real butter. Tres yummm.

Tomorrow is still another day.

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