Saturday, April 28, 2007

my baby done left me...

I was going to leave you with some bad blues-y lyrics here, but you likely know that eb surely didn't leave-leave me. No, she is with T in Syracuse checking things out. In a college town. On a Saturday night. With her 18 yo son. Hmmmm...I bet they are sleeping.

EB will not be back until Wednesday, and I have no earthly idea what time. I took the liberty of doing a little retail therapy to deal with my loss. I even did it on Friday morning before she was gone. She didn't leave until some ungodly hour today. But I knew my grieving would be severe. I went to the Texas Weaver's Conference. Any guesses as to what Texas weavers weave with?

I had done some side hair on Monday, so I had some cash on hand, and I was a very good grrl in that I used only my cash on hand. No credit cards, though every vendor assured me a credit card was no problem. Yuppers. I was very good. Only used my csh. All. Of. It.

I was showing the booty make that loot to deter a trip to the gutter, to Irene this morning over breakfast, and she agrees I will be knitting up some mighty fine things with all my new pretties.. I got some loopy stuff, some pretty and soft mohair, some cotton, some handpainted wool...lots-o-pretties. Maybe I will snap a pic in the morning.

And it will all fit into the bins I have without necessitating a trip to Targay for more.

I think that means I was very, very good. woo.


weese said...

retail it.

Suzanne said...

That garage of yours... it's filling up!