Saturday, March 13, 2004

Saturday morning. Odd for me to not have blogged for an entire week. I started back to yoga this week and had all ntentions of going this morning, but Melissa Etheridge tickets go on sale at 10 am, so I need to be home to do that. She is performing here at Numbers, a very small club, no seating, lots of is going to sell out quickly.

Beyond needing to get tickets, I generally feel like crap. Aunt Flo was just visiting, I have some extreme allergy sinus crud going on, and there is still some sort of residual funk energy hanging around. My boss told me yesterday at about I that I could go home because I looked like I felt. I stayed only because I had an eye doctor appointment after work on the way home. My new glasses will be available in 7-10 days. Woohoo...

Still feels like the verge of something happening...something grand.

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