Thursday, October 02, 2008

How does one actually take the leap?

Recently, eb and I were talking with a good friend about getting to a point in life when all you want to do is take a leap of faith and follow your bliss. Terri, the friend, has been actively working toward this for quite some time. EB and I work toward it in theory and in actuality too, but at a very slooooow pace.

Today, I learned that a small local yarn shop has to close. It is owned by a single mother and har kids are getting a little older and need more of her attention so she has to close and she would of course, rather sell, so if you are in a position to, make an offer...

I would love to make an offer. The shop is in a good location and breaks even but with the proper devotion and attention would surely do well. It is a fairly (in these trying times) safe investment. I have an overwhelming sense that this is the ideal bliss for me to follow. However, I can't even begin to consider the formulation of an offer. The fantasy would spin out of control in an instant and then the reality that it maybe could happen would cut too close.

If there are any readers needing a nice write off who would like to be my capital investment saviors, you know how to contact me. Time is of the essence.


Unknown said...

this is what i went through 1.5 years ago when i got the call about the restaurant. FIND the money!!!! Rob a bank...beg, borrow, steal. I can already see you owning your own shop and its a beautiful sight!!!

weese said...

my wife would tell you to close your eyes and jump.

I would say - check first to make sure you'll have a soft landing.

maybe you can work out some deal with the current owner. if her thoughts are to just close and walk away.

SassyFemme said...

Jump... if it's meant to work out, then the pieces will come together for you.

FYI, there's an organization called SCORE that you might be interested in. It's made up of mainly working & retired business owners and executives, and they provide counseling and mentorship to those with small businesses. (My uncle was a big-wig with it years ago, and always advised the cousins to go with it if we ever went into business).