Thursday, September 27, 2007

Loving it

2 things really. First:

* You signed up on July 22, 2007
* You are #19479 on the list.
* 1182 people are ahead of you in line.
* 16946 people are behind you in line.
* 50% of the list has been invited so far

I am almost under 1000. I am so ready to say finally. I figure maybe by the weekend I will be planning the photographing of yarn. I am not sure still if I am freefalling intro this yet, but there is a tiny tingle of anticipation working here.

Second. I am loving this new read of mine. I am about 80 pages into it I guess and I am really liking it. I just like the idea of the journey I guess. I can't recommend it until finishing, but Eat, Pray, Love has been pleasing so far.


1 comment:

weese said...

did my spiritual wife recommend this?
i am reading it too.