Sunday, November 07, 2004

Get your motor running

I am feeling like it might be a bike sort of day. Time for a ride around the neighborhood. Maybe.

I bought a beach cruiser style bike at least a year ago and have yet to take it for a ride. It was a really good deal as a promotional item at the beauty supply store I frequent. Nice orangey red color. Thick grrl seat. I just liked it and it was cheap and at the time I had the $$. I think today might be the day.

I have been feeling like riding the bike for the past few months actually, but the garage doors are somewhat rigged, so it is a pain in the ass to take it in and out. Currently, E is painting both our cars to be art cars (which is chronicled over at ) so the garage door is open quite often.

I might need her to lower the seat just a tad, too. We'll see. *If* today is the day.

Until I am sure, I will update my library page as I got several new books last week.

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